Many studies have been conducted on the effects of music on the brain. Scientist say that children who are exposed to music, or those who play a musical instrument, do better in school than those who don’t. Recent research suggests exposure to music may benefit a childs reading age, IQ and the development of certain parts of the brain. Adults can benefit from learning to play  instruments too because it helps the mind to be alert and remain active eventually helping to sharpen the memory. Another quality of playing a musical instrument is that it commands discipline and focus. Playing a musical instrument can relieve stress. We have days when we are so sressed out and we just want to take a break. Playing a instrument can take you away from it all. Music is one of life’s simple joys; it helps calm the mind. Moreover, practicing a musical instrument gives us a sense of achievement. If you’re a beginner, learning your first piece has it’s challenges. but once you’ve mastered it, the satisfaction you’ll feel is priceless and you’re off to an investment you will have for life.

“Music is a language of the heart”